Tile by Color


Enhancing Your Space with Tile by Color


The world of interior design is a canvas waiting to be painted with colors that evoke emotion and set the tone for your living spaces. Among the myriad choices available to homeowners, tile stands as a versatile medium, capable of bringing charm, character, and visual interest to any room.

Whether you’re planning a bathroom renovation, a kitchen overhaul, or simply seeking to refresh your living areas, the colors you choose can be the key to unlocking depth, contrast, and a touch of artistic flair. We invite you to join us on a journey through the captivating world of tile colors.




Colored Tile

Adding Contrast and Artistic Style

When it comes to designing and decorating your living spaces, the choice of tile color can make a significant impact. Whether you’re renovating your bathroom, kitchen, or any other room in your home, selecting the right tile color can add depth, contrast, and a touch of artistic style. In this guide, we’ll explore the versatile world of tile colors, including Black, White, Green, Blue, and Earth Tones (Tan, Beige, Gray, Brown), and how each hue can transform your room.

Colored Tile Series

Black Tile


Elegance and Drama:
Black tiles
are synonymous with sophistication and drama. When used as flooring or backsplash, they create a stunning visual contrast with lighter elements in the room. Whether it’s a modern kitchen or a luxurious bathroom, black tiles can infuse an air of opulence and contemporary flair.

Where To Use:

  • Bathroom walls
  • Kitchen countertops
  • Living room floors



Black Bathroom Tile
Carrara tile style

White Tile


Clean and Timeless:
White tiles
are the epitome of classic design. Their clean and timeless look can brighten up any space. White tiles reflect light effectively, making rooms appear larger and more inviting. They’re also incredibly versatile, allowing you to experiment with various design styles.

Where To Use:

  • Bathroom walls
  • Kitchen countertops
  • Living room floors



Green Tile


Nature-Inspired Freshness:
Green tiles
bring the calming beauty of nature indoors. From soft mint to deep emerald, green tiles can evoke a sense of freshness and tranquility. They’re perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere in bathrooms, kitchens, or even as an accent wall in your living room.

Where to Use:

  • Shower walls
  • Kitchen backsplash
  • Outdoor spaces


Green Tiles
Blue Subway Tile

Blue Tiles


Serenity and Depth:
Blue tiles
are reminiscent of the vast ocean and clear skies. They radiate serenity and depth, making them an excellent choice for creating a soothing environment. Whether you opt for ocean-inspired aqua or deep navy, blue tiles can add character and a sense of calm to your space.

Where to Use:

  • Bathroom
  • Pool areas
  • Accent walls


Earth Tones


Warmth and Versatility:
Earth-toned tiles
, including tan, beige, gray, and brown, offer warmth and versatility. These neutral shades provide a perfect canvas for a wide range of design styles, from rustic to contemporary. Earth tones are ideal for creating a cozy and inviting ambiance.

Where to Use:

  • Living room flooring
  • Kitchen countertops
  • Patio or outdoor spaces


Earth Tone Tiles Brown Tan & Gray

Enhancing Contrast and Infusing Artistic Flair

No matter which tile color you choose, the key to adding contrast and artistic style to any room lies in thoughtful design. Here are some tips:

1. Mix and Match: Combine two or more tile colors to create patterns and focal points.
2. Accessorize: Use contrasting decor items like rugs, curtains, and artwork to enhance the visual impact of your tile choice.
3. Consider Texture: Incorporate textured tiles to add depth and tactile interest.
4. Lighting Matters: The right lighting can accentuate the color and texture of your tiles, creating a more visually appealing space.
5. Sample Swatches: Before committing, obtain sample swatches to see how the tile color looks in your specific lighting conditions.

Choosing the right tile color is a crucial step in interior design. It can transform your space, adding contrast and artistic style that reflects your personal taste and enhances the functionality of the room. Explore our wide range of tile colors to find the perfect fit for your next project. Turn your dream space into reality with the magic of tile colors!

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